Glen Road, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 2DE

01752 339073

Glen Park Primary School

Success for all, through learning together

Buddies Childcare CiC

Buddies Childcare CiC is a private Community Interest Company that provides parents of pupils at Glen Park Primary and the wider community with high quality, affordable out of school hours childcare provision. Buddies was inspected by Ofsted in January 2020 and was judged to be providing ‘good’ quality provision in all areas.  


Big Buddies Holiday, Breakfast and After School Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am until 8.45am Mondays to Friday (term time only). The children are able to enjoy a variety of activities until it’s time to tidy away, at which point a member of the Buddies team will escort the children to the main school and supervise whilst the children enter their respective class rooms ready to begin the school day.

Big Buddies After School Club runs daily from 3.15pm until 6.00pm. Breakfast and after school club sessions can be booked for up to a maximum of 6 weeks in advance although we do require for sessions to be paid for upfront at the time of booking.

Buddies also run a holiday play scheme which operates during the school holidays, from 8 am until 6 pm daily, Monday to Friday. Buddies Childcare offers a range of options in regards to sessions that can be booked. 

Booking information

Buddies Childcare use an online booking system called Schoolcomms. Any parent/carer wishing to access childcare will need to complete a registration form before being able to access the Schoolcooms booking system. The Directors of the company have a clear policy to ensure that all families have fair access to the childcare facilities. These include:

  • All childcare bookings must be paid for in advance and booked at least 24 hours before the designated session. This is to ensure that adequate levels of staffing are in place.
  • The use of childcare vouchers has to be agreed with the company in advance of children attending sessions
  • No child should be sent to Buddies without payment being made in advance and expect to be given childcare.

For further information regarding registration, booking and fees, please either contact the Buddies Administrator, Mrs Rhiannon Keating, via the school office (Monday, Tuesday and Friday 8am - 4pm) or contact the Play Leader, Mrs. Lesley Andrews, on 01752 336556. Alternatively, information packs are available from the School Reception Office.

To access a copy of Buddies Childcare CiC's Debt recovery Policy please click here. 


Little Buddies Pre-School

 'Staff are enthusiastic about helping children to make positive progress in their development. They tailor activities to ensure these meet children's individual needs'

'Children are highly confident and display strong levels of self-esteem'

‘Parents state they are actively encouraged to support their children's development and to share interests.' Ofsted 2020

Little Buddies Pre-School is registered by Ofsted on the Early Years Register. Little Buddies is managed by Mrs Laura Brown who is a qualified teacher. All other staff hold appropriate early years qualifications to National Vocational Qualification at level 3.

The Pre-School operates both funded and non-funded sessions, as well as a lunch club.  Children may also attend the breakfast and/or after school clubs, as well as the holiday club, should parents wish them to. 

For more details, or a registration form, telephone the Buddies Administrator, Mrs Rhiannon Keating, on 01752 336556.

 Buddies Childcare Ofsted Report - January 2020