Glen Road, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 2DE

01752 339073

Glen Park Primary School

Success for all, through learning together

School Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025

School self-evaluation is a continuous process which comprises of a number of key components that collect information and evidence about the standards in the school. These are then analysed, collated and the findings are used to appraise achievements and identify priorities to be pursued to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Following the very successful Ofsted inspection that took place in February 2023, we have continued to work with the school community to identify our strategic priorities for further improving the school. The school improvement plan is the key document in our school that outlines our strategic priorities. This document drives action plans for leaders across the school in subjects or areas of focus. Staff appraisals are also linked directly to the achievement of these priorities. 

Priorities for improvement

All the evidence shows that Glen Park Primary is a highly effective school. The priority for improvement is to continue to offer high quality learning opportunities across the school at all times to all our children. The school has used evidence from its self-evaluation to identify key priorities for the forthcoming year in order to further enhance and improve the provision that we offer. This year, our plan is focused around 4 key areas:

  1. To develop a sequenced Early Years curriculum underpinned by the Early Years Framework and Development Matters Birth to 5 documentation. 
  2. To continue to design and develop a curriculum which is progressive, carefully sequenced and founded on key milestones.
  3. To refine and continue to strengthen the reading and writing curriculum and develop a KS2 reading strategy based upon the principles of reading for meaning.
  4. To continue to develop monitoring and assessment processes to ensure that outcomes continue to be above national standards in all areas and high quality teaching and learning is fully embedded across the school. 

Below is a summary of the priorities outlined within this year's School improvement Plan. For a more detailed summary of the school targeted priorities for this year please click here.